Electric vs Petrol Cars: What Are The Main Differences?
Electric cars have been around for decades, but it is only recently that they have become a viable alternative to traditional combustion engine vehicles. As more people realise the advantages of owning an electric car, progressively more Australians are making the switch to zero-emission vehicles.
In Australia, electric cars have become increasingly popular. But what are the main differences between them and petrol cars?
Let’s break down the basic differences between petrol and electric cars:
Let’s start with the price. Here’s the tricky part. Upfront, the cost of an electric car is exceptionally high. However, the running costs are the opposite.
The running cost of an electric car is significantly lower than that of a petrol car. The motor in an electric car is powered by energy stored in batteries, which can be recharged using electricity. This means you don’t need to pay for fuel every time you drive your car.
When it comes to maintenance, such as servicing your vehicle, petrol cars require far more work. Electric cars will save you time and money since they never need oil changes and other engine mechanical repairs. The only repairs electric cars will need are brake pads, tyres and suspension checks and/or replacements. In this way, buying an electric car can save you significant costs in the long run.
Battery Life
One of the biggest costs associated with owning an electric car is the battery. The first time you buy one, it’s going to be about three times more expensive than a petrol engine. But that’s not because of any inherent problems with the batteries. It’s just that they have a longer lifespan and need to be replaced less often.
Environmental Impact
Like most people, you’ve probably heard of the damage that carbon monoxide and other dangerous gases can do to the environment. These gases are emitted by petrol cars, which are becoming more and more popular as the city grows.
But what if there were a way to avoid this? Well, there is: electric cars are emission-free! They don’t burn fuel or produce exhaust, so they keep your city’s air clean without any effort on your part.
Resale Value
The resale value of a car is often considered one of the most important factors in choosing which vehicle to buy. When you’re considering buying an electric car over a petrol-powered one, it’s important to keep in mind that the resale value of electric cars can vary significantly based on the brand, model, and year.
In general, more expensive electric cars tend to have better resale value than cheaper ones. And some brands are more popular than others, which means that their new models will retain more value over time.
Running Cost
The running costs of electric cars vs petrol cars are a hotly debated topic. The answer is complicated and depends on how you use your car.
Electric cars are more expensive than petrol-powered vehicles, but this is offset by lower long-term running costs. They’re also cheaper to maintain and don’t need any fuel or oil changes. However, they require regular charging and often have limited range compared to petrol-powered cars.
Petrol-powered cars are cheaper to purchase but more expensive to run over time. They also require more frequent maintenance than an electric car.
In the end, you will have to decide what is most important to you: performance, convenience, budget and so forth. All of these need to be taken into consideration, and they will play a major role in your decision-making process. Now that you have a better understanding of the basic differences between electric and petrol cars, which of the two would you think best for your specific needs? Both have benefits, and both have negatives – therefore, it may be about what strikes you as more valuable to your lifestyle and budget.